
Showing posts from July, 2016

How to measure Quality in Review Meeting

How Does Scrum Ensure Quality? How Does Scrum Ensure Quality…   Quality is a word that is banded around plenty when it comes to services or products. Customers want to ensure that the purchases that they make or the services that they use to be of the highest quality. But what really is quality and how can your Agile team achieve it? How does scrum ensure quality? In a nutshell, quality can be whatever your team defines it as. In a software development project quality could refer to meeting the acceptance criteria set by the product owner or performing to specifications set by your own team with regards to working practise. Alternatively it could also refer to customer satisfaction, or even team satisfaction if your team decides they are pleased with their efforts. Remember it is possible to give customers a satisfactory response even if you are unable to meet their requirements. This can be achieved in a number of ways, for example by making a particular effort to communi